Kuzcopia on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/kuzcopia/art/Torven-X-Chapter-1-Cover-179178714Kuzcopia

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Kuzcopia's avatar

Torven X - Chapter 1 Cover



Other Chapters

Chapter 2: [link]

Chapter 1 Pages

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Epilogue Updates
Tamower's Log 01: [link]
Ushjer's log: [link]
Karijeo's log: [link]
Korio's log: [link]

ps. Editing this list is a pain, I miss my site ;_;


And we have lift off!

Crimasi's Torem Project proudly presents Torven X! The story about a great guild in this fantasy world.

Hope you enjoy the ride, and if you like it, support us!

Forgot to add some beaurocracy!

Art and Colors by RayanDante : [link]

Script, Storyboarding and Lettering by yours truly.

Story And Characters is a complete collaboration, creation of us both. They belong to us both, and, of course, Crimasi's godfather Luixsia: [link]

Yip yip for the project!
Kuzco out *bows*
Image size
800x1200px 524.35 KB
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Sessie's avatar
Great work Rayan!!!
You make comics so well ;__;